Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Rocks or sand?

Being able to manage one’s time is very important everyday of our lives. Time does not wait for anyone nor can lost time be replaced. It is thus crucial to know what one is supposed to be doing at what particular time and for what reasons. Janet Askew a training consultant gave us some essential tips on how to mange our time effectively including how to respond when one is late.

Devoting some thoughts on how one can organise their yearly, monthly or daily diary for both work and personal time is an activity well spend as it will save one loads of time, helping one to work S.M.A.R.T and not harder.

I’m told that when one works efficiently they should be able to accomplish daily deadlines by the time they knock of be it at 4.30pm or 5.30pm. It is said that people who leave their desks satisfied and motivated are organised and effective employees. Knocking off late and taking work home is a sign of bad time management we were told. I think that there are situations in the work place at times that can prompt one to work overtime. Unseen situations especially may compel one to put in that extra time.

Personally I am against the idea of taking work home. I think one should keep work at work so that when one is at home they can be able to reflect over the day’s events and try to generate more ideas and generally be ready for another smart working day. Failure to do this will result in one not getting the time to unwind, which can result in frustration, tiredness and poor work results.

I have been given a manual that details how to manage my time effectively. In it there is a part where I am supposed to fill in all my activity logs for the day. The logs are supposed to assists me in judging how I spend most of my time in the work place. I am supposed to do this for 3 days to get an accurate assessment. But because I am not yet working I am going to save the space and use it when appropriate. Janet told us that we can be shocked to realise that in reality we actually work for 4 hours in an 8 hour day.

The space fillers being reading one’s personal emails, mindless searching on the internet, chatting endlessly to colleagues while making tea/coffee, having lunch, going to the bathroom, talking on the phone, etc. Maintaining an activity log will help me in understanding when I perform my best. It will determine the times I am more inclined to work and also ascertain my energy levels.

Analysing the activity log will aid me in eliminating most of my time wasting activities where I will be able to integrate value loaded work in order to be an effective employee. Time management determines how well I will interact with other employees. When one manages their time well it will be evident in the way they talk and walk. People who manage their time well tend to be rational, respond well to stressors than people who do not and they always get results. In contrast people who cannot manage their time well tend to put pressure on others, be it scapegoating or refusing to take responsibility for their actions.

I am setting myself up for success in terms of being able to manage my time effectively in the work place. I will prepare and plan for all my activities in order to be able to achieve my goals both work related and personal ones.
“There is always time to do what’s really important; the problem is knowing what’s important” Marion E. Haynes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, keep it up Girl, i know you are a hard worker and intelligent lady. Rocks or sand or sand or rocks!!!

4:18 pm  

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